Activities of Department of Sociology

Title: - Anti-Child Marriage Awareness Programme at Kaliapani Muslim Goan, Teok.
Start Date - 2024-02-21   End Date - 2024-02-21   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Extension Activity
Summary: -

The Department of Sociology CKB College,Teok organized an Anti-Child Marriage Awareness Programme on February, 21, 2024 at Kaliapani, Teok,. The event aimed to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of child marriage and to promote a culture of safeguarding children's rights within the community. Child marriage is a pressing issue in many parts of the world, including India, and this initiative aimed to address this concern.

Objectives: The primary objectives of the programme were as follows:

  1. To educate community members, parents, and youth about the legal consequences and harmful effects of child marriage.
  2. To foster a sense of responsibility among the community to prevent child marriages.
  3. To empower young girls with knowledge and skills that can help them avoid child marriages.
  4. To promote a supportive environment for reporting and addressing child marriage cases
    1. Inaugural Ceremony:
      • The event commenced with an inaugural ceremony that included lighting a lamp and a welcome speech by the Head of the Department of Sociology, Kaliapani Muslim Goan, Teok.
    2. Expert Talks:
      • Renowned sociologists and legal experts delivered talks on the social, legal, and psychological aspects of child marriage.
      • These sessions aimed to dispel myths surrounding child marriage and highlight its adverse consequences on children's physical and emotional well-being.
    3. Interactive Workshops:
      • Workshops were conducted for parents and guardians to emphasize the importance of education and career opportunities for their children.
      • Girls and young women participated in workshops that focused on self-empowerment, leadership, and the importance of education in shaping their future.


    1. Awareness Campaign:
      • A community awareness campaign included the distribution of informative pamphlets and posters in local languages.
      • Volunteers engaged with community members to facilitate discussions and answer questions about child marriage.
    2. Testimonials:
      • Real-life stories of individuals affected by child marriage were shared to create empathy and underline the urgency of the issue.
    3. Legal Awareness:
      • Legal experts explained the legal framework surrounding child marriage in India and the consequences for those involved.
      • Information about how to report child marriage cases was also provided.


    1. Interactive Q&A:
      • A question-and-answer session allowed participants to seek clarifications and gain deeper insights into the issue.

    IV. Participant Feedback :

    The programme received positive feedback from participants, who expressed their newfound awareness of the dangers of child marriage and their commitment to preventing it. Participants also appreciated the expert insights provided during the sessions.

    V. Conclusion :

    The Anti-Child Marriage Awareness Programme organized by the Department of Sociology at Kaliapani Muslim Goan, Teok, on October 14, 2023, was a significant step towards addressing the issue of child marriage in the community. By educating and empowering community members, especially parents and young girls, we hope to create a safer environment where children's rights are protected, and child marriages are prevented.

    VI. Recommendations:

     To sustain the momentum generated by this programme, the following recommendations are made:

    1. Conduct follow-up workshops and awareness campaigns to ensure the message continues to resonate within the community.
    2. Collaborate with local NGOs and government agencies to provide support and resources for children at risk of child marriage.
    3. Establish a community support network to identify and report potential child marriage cases discreetly.
    4. Encourage ongoing dialogue and education on this issue within schools and community organizations.

    The fight against child marriage requires ongoing efforts, and the Department of Sociology,CKB College,Teok, remains committed to working towards the eradication of this harmful practice.