Activities of Department of Sociology

Title: - Extension activity onTeaching at Janata High School, Namsasu, Teok
Start Date - 2023-10-16   End Date - 2023-10-16   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Extension Activity
Summary: -

The Department of Sociology at CKB College,Teok organized an extension actgivity on teaching at Janata  High School, Namsasu Teok, aimed at promoting quality education and fostering a sense of community engagement. The report provides an overview of the event, its objectives, activities and outcomes.


The primary objectives of the extension activity were as follows:

            a)      To improve the teaching-learning process at Janajati High School Teok.

b)      To Enhance the educational experience of students.

c)      To strengthen the bond between the college and the local community.

d)     To provide valuable teaching and learning experiences for the participants.