Activities of Department of Sociology

Title: - Community Development Programme on "Small Family Norms, Teok Tea Estate Teok, Jorhat:
Start Date - 2017-12-09   End Date - 2017-12-09   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Extension Activity
Summary: -

Extension is an important activity which contributes to the enhancement of the status and public recognition of a profession and welfare of the society at large. Keeping this view in mind the department of Sociology of C.K.B.College, Teok carried out a Extension Programme on “ Importance of Small Family Norms in Tea Estate on December, 9, 2017.


1.      To create awareness in the community about Small Family.

2.      To aware the community about Government policies on family planning.

3.      To create awareness benefits of the small family.

4.      To create awareness on empowerment of women in education.