Activities of Department of Sociology

Title: - Interdisciplinary Programme organized by Department of Political science and Sociology
Start Date - 2021-02-12   End Date - 2021-02-12   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Extension Activity
Summary: -


The department of Sociology and Political science organized a interdisciplinary Programme on  the topic of “ Buddhism and its relevance in Present Day Society” 12th February, 2021 in the college premises.  The programme was inaugurated by Rajnu Devi, HoD, Political Science department. Nizara Baruah, Assistant Professor department of Sociology and Ritanjali , Associate Professor, department of Political Science delivered speech on the topic. The number of student participant is 22.

Participants of Teacher:

The teacher participants of the class is as follows-

1.      Pranab Kumar Saikia- Department of Sociology.

2.      Nizara Baruah- Department of Sociology.

3.      Ms. Ranju Devi- Department of Political Science.

4.      Ms. Ritanjali Saikia- Department of Political Science.

Outcome of the Class:

At the last fifteen minutes the students are taken feedback of the class. The students view is positive