Activities of Department of Sociology

Title: - One Week Workshop on Embracing Diversity: Daily Use of Mising Language
Start Date - 2024-03-18   End Date - 2024-03-23   Duration - 7 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -

Report on One Week Workshop on

"Embracing Diversity: Daily Use of Mishing Language"

Date: 18th March 2024 to 23rd March 2024
Venue: C.K.B.College,Teok


The Department of Sociology, Culture & Language Study Board, in collaboration with the Language Barrier Diminishing Committee,C.K.B.College,Teok organized a one-week workshop titled "Embracing Diversity: Daily Use of Mishing Language." The workshop aimed to promote the understanding and daily use of the Mishing language, a significant indigenous language spoken in the region.


1.      To raise awareness about the importance of indigenous languages, particularly the Mishing language.

2.      To encourage participants to incorporate Mishing language into their daily communication.

3.      To foster a sense of pride and cultural identity among Mishing speakers.


4.     Participants and Resource Persons:


The workshop saw enthusiastic participation from various sectors, including students, scholars, community leaders, and language enthusiasts. Notable resource persons who contributed to the success of the workshop included:

·         Tarun Loing, Assistant Professor at Jorhat College, who shared valuable insights into language preservation strategies and linguistic diversity.

·         Monuj Mili, Vice Principal of Jorhat Govt. Boys' H.S. School, who provided expertise on educational approaches for promoting indigenous languages in schools.

·         Noreswar Pegu, Assistant Teacher,Adarsha Janajati High School,  who contributed practical teaching methods and experiences related to Mishing language instruction.

Activities and Sessions:

The workshop comprised a series of interactive sessions, presentations, and cultural programs designed to immerse participants in the richness of the Mishing language and culture. Some of the key activities included:

·         Language Learning Sessions: Experienced linguists and native speakers conducted language learning sessions focusing on basic vocabulary, grammar, and conversational phrases in Mishing.

·         Cultural Workshops: Participants engaged in hands-on activities such as traditional Mishing song and dance workshops, storytelling sessions, and art exhibitions showcasing Mishing heritage.

·         Panel Discussions: Experts like Tarun Loing, Monuj Mili, and Noreswar Pegu led insightful panel discussions on topics like language preservation, cultural identity, and the role of indigenous languages in contemporary society.

·         Field Visits: Participants had the opportunity to visit Mishing villages, interact with native speakers, and observe daily life, further deepening their understanding of the language and culture.


 The workshop yielded several positive outcomes, including:

·         Increased awareness and appreciation for the Mishing language and culture among participants.

·         Enhanced language skills and confidence in using Mishing in daily communication.

·         Strengthened bonds and collaboration among diverse communities interested in promoting linguistic and cultural diversity.

·         Raised visibility and support for initiatives aimed at preserving and revitalizing indigenous languages.


The One Week Workshop on "Embracing Diversity: Daily Use of Mishing Language" benefited greatly from the expertise and contributions of resource persons like Tarun Loing, Monuj Mili, and Noreswar Pegu. Their insights, along with active participation from all stakeholders, made the event a resounding success in promoting linguistic diversity and cultural heritage preservation.