Activities of Department of History

Title: - Home Visit conducted by the Department.
Start Date - 2023-04-27   End Date - 2023-04-28   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Extension Activity
Summary: -
The Department of History at C.K.B. College, Teok, undertook a thoughtful initiative by conducting Home Visits to the residences of the students enrolled in the department. This endeavor took place over two consecutive days on April 27th and 28th, 2023. The purpose of these visits was to establish personal connections with students and their families, fostering a supportive and conducive academic environment beyond the classroom. The four dedicated faculty members of the department engaged in meaningful interactions with both students and their guardians, discussing various academic matters and addressing any concerns or queries they may have had. These discussions likely encompassed topics such as academic progress, course selection, career aspirations, and overall well-being. By reaching out to students in their home environments, the Department of History demonstrated its commitment to individualized support and student success. These Home Visits not only strengthened the bond between faculty and students but also underscored the department's dedication to holistic education and personalized attention.