Activities of Department of History

Title: - Special Lecture on ‘The Silk Route in Historical Context’ by Dr. Ambuj Thakur Department of History, C.K.B. College, Teok
Start Date - 2021-11-29   End Date - 2021-11-29   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -
Special Lecture on ‘The Silk Route in Historical Context’ by Dr. Ambuj Thakur Department of History, C.K.B. College, Teok

The speaker , in his lecture , focused on the ancient linkages across the Eurasian land mass through both the overland and maritime domain. Harping on the point that human migration has been an evolutionary process across time and space , the Silk Roads emerged as a criss-crossing network of routes connecting far-flung areas within Eurasian primarily and beyond with time. Although the name 'Silk Road' apparently alludes to silk as the major tradeable commodity , the goods basket included items as varied as cowries, gunpowder ,spices , fabrics etc. The routes developed from Xian in ancient China and extended across Central Asia , South Asia towards West Asia's Mediterranean ports. This inter-connected history needs further study both at the micro and macro levels .