Activities of Department of History

Title: - Team Teaching on ‘Background of the First World War’ by Monika Mili, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Political Science, C.K.B. College, Teok
Start Date - 2021-11-17   End Date - 2021-11-17   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -
Team Teaching on ‘Background of the First World War’ by Monika Mili, Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Political Science, C.K.B. College, Teok
The inter-disciplinary class had been organized with a particular theme of discussion entitled 'The Background of the First World War' and the resource person for the class was Ms. Monika Mili ,assistant professor in the department of political science ,C.K.B College, Teok. Monika Mili had completed her higher education from the Banaras Hindu University and she has a deep interest in the subject of the International Relations. Dr.Bikash Nath ,the HOD inaugurated the event . Ms.Mili discussed in her class about the genesis of the First World War and how the central powers like Germany , Austria -Hungary , Turkey played a pivotal role in fomenting war like jingoistic diplomacy against the other imperialist nations like Great Britain , France and Russia . The immediate cause of the conflict incident at Sarajevo on June 1914 but there were other causes also which eventually brought in to the world the most catastrophic war results not only in Europe but also for the colonial societies like India where the Indian soldiers had to fight for the British interests and immensely sacrificed for the cause of the empire. The struggle for colonial markets and resources among the Western capitalist nations and the conservative nationalistic aspirations of the industrialised nations like Germany created a groundwork for the war.