Activities of Department of History

Title: - A Field Visit to Majuli
Start Date - 2018-02-16   End Date - 2018-02-16   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -
A Field Visit to Majuli
A group of students of the Department of History, C.K.B. College, Teok visited the world's largest riverine island on 16/02/2018 for educational purpose. A Combined Field Visit Report (Majuli) on 'Heritage of the Satra Institution' was submitted by the students of the Department of History, C.K.B. College, Teok. This project was mainly based on the student's field visit to the riverine island of Majuli. Through this field trip, the students were able to physically witness the various Vaishnavite Satras. It helped them to know the various rituals of the Vaishnavite faith.