Activities of Department of English

Title: - Growth of Educational Institutions and Its Impact of Development of Scientific Temperament Among the Rural People of West Teok Panchayat and Jhanjimukh Panchayat Area
Start Date - 2020-11-30   End Date - 2020-11-30   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Research Project
Summary: -
Education is harmonius development of all the powers of human being that is physical, social, intellectual. aesthetic and spiritual. So, Education brings out the hidden potentialities of an individual and enable the individual to increase productivity and quality of life. On the other hand, scientific temper is a way of life in which an individual uses a scientific method, which may include questioning, observing physical reality, testing, hypothesising, analysing and communicating. it is by nurturing scientific temper that one can be liberated from dogmatism, irrational beliefs and superstitions.

1) To study the scientific temper of rural people with respect to gender
2) to study the scientific temper of rural people with respect to religion.
3) to study the scientific temper of rural people with respect to occupation.
4) to study the scientific temper of rural people with respect to political participation
5) to study the scientific temper of rural people with respect to health and disease.


It has been observe that growth of educational institutions in West Teok and Jhanjimukh Panchayat areas have a very positive impact on the development of scientific temper of the people. They are aware of the importance of education and also of the need of female literacy for all-round development of the family. They are conscious of health and hygiene am=nd majority of them consult a doctor when they are ill. They are also aware of present day pertinent issues such as environmental degradation and global warming. However, they are not aware of health insurance schemes and many are very conservative regarding their choice of livelihood. They are not aware of new avenues and very few are willing to do business to earn an income.