Activities of Department of Education

Title: - Socio Economic Condition of Three Marginalised Community viz. Nepali, Mishing and Tea Garden Community of Rural Assam with Special reference to Teok Revenue Circle : An Empirical Study
Start Date - 2021-01-01   End Date - 2021-12-31   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Research Project
Summary: -
An Inter Departmental research project entitled as "Socio economic condition of three Marginalised Community viz. Nepali, Mishing and Tea Garden community of rural Assam with special reference to Teok Revenue circle: An empirical study" was conducted by the department of Commerce,  Education, Economics and Political Science in 2021. The major aim of this study was to study the socio-economic characteristics of the families of respective community viz.Nepali,Mishing and Tea garden. The researcher used both primary and secondary data for conducting this study. The researcher also used a well designed questionnaire as a primary source for collecting data from the sample. The sample size of this study was taken 40 households from each community representing 52% of the population. From the study  it was found that there was a positive correlation between families socio economic condition and educational qualifications.