Activities of Department of Commerce

Title: - Teacher Exchange Programme Organized jointly by the Dept. of Sociology and Dept. of Commerce, C.K.B. College,Teok. Date: 17th August, 2023
Start Date - 2023-08-17   End Date - 2023-08-17   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -



The Department of Sociology and Department of Commerce CKB College, Teok organized a inter-disciplinary class on “ Preparation of Research Paper “ on 17th August, 2023 at college premises. The resource person of the programme is Dr. Debananda Baruah , HoD Commerce and Pranab Kumar Saikia, Assistant Professor Department of Sociology CKB College, Teok.

The aim of this programme is to provide an overview of the interdisciplinary class focused on the preparation of a research paper. The class brought together students from various academic students from various academic backgrounds to explore the process of crafting a research paper that insights from multiple disciplines.


The primary objective of the programme was to equip students with the skills and knowledge required to undertake research that crosses traditional disciplinary boundaries. By encouraging collaboration and exploration, the class aimed to enhance critical thinking, problem solving and communication skills.

Curriculum and Content:

1.       Understanding interdisciplinary Research:

 The class began by introducing students to the concept of interdisciplinary research, highlighting its significance in addressing complex real world challenges.

2.       Choosing a Research Topic:

 Students were guided through the process of selecting a research topic that inherently required insights from multiple disciplines. Emphasis was placed on identifying gaps in existing literacy where interdisciplinary approaches were particularly valuable.

3.       Literature Review:

An in-depth exploration of interdisciplinary literature review techniques was conducted. Students learned how to synthesize information from various sources and disciplines, identifying common themes and divergent perspectives.



4.       Methodology:

The class delved into selecting appropriate research methodologies that suit interdisciplinary projects. This included understanding the strengths and limitations of different methods from diverse fields.

5.       Collaboration and Communication:

 A significant portion of the class was dedicated to fostering effective collaboration among students from different disciplines. Communication strategies and tools for bridging disciplinary language barriers were emphasized.

6.       Data Collaboration and analysis:

Students were exposed to diverse data collection techniques and learned how to analyze data through interdisciplinary lenses. Case studies were used to demonstrate the integration of data from multiple sources.

7.       Synthesis and Argumentation:

The class focused on developing skills to synthesize findings across disciplines, creating a coherent narrative those demonstratives the interconnectedness of various insights.

8.       Ethical Considerations:

Challenges unique to interdisciplinary research, such as navigating conflicting ethical norms across disciplines, were explored.



Students were assessed through a combi9nation of individual and grtoup assignments. These included topic proposals, literature reviews, collaborative research plans and a final interdisciplinary research paper. Peer evaluations were also integrated to assess the effectiveness of interdisciplinary collaboration.


Benefits and Challenges:

·         Enhanced critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

·         Exposure to diverse perspectives and methodologies.

·         Development of interdisciplinary communication skills.

·         Improved ability to tackle complex real-world problems.



v  Navigating varying levels of disciplinary expertise among students.

v  Balancing depth of analysis with breadth of interdisciplinary understanding.

v  Overcoming resistance to steeping out of traditional disciplinary comfort zones.



The interdisciplinary class on preparation of research papers offered students a unique opportunity to bridge the gap between different academic domains. By fostering collaboration, refining research skills and encouraging interdisciplinary thinking, the class prepared students to tackle complex challenges in innovative ways. Though a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, students gained valuable insights that will serve them well in their academic and professional pursuits.