Activities of Department of Commerce

Title: - Socio Economic Condition of Jhanjimukh: An Empirical Survey
Start Date - 2018-05-25   End Date - 2018-12-31   Duration - 150 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Research Project
Summary: -



The Report of Departmental Research Project Conducted by the Department of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok, Submitted to and Funded by The Principal,C.K.B.College,Teok,2018.



Department of Commerce

C.K.B. College, Teok

Jorhat, Assam



            The present research team has identified the following gap as the major research problems for the particular research area under study. Those research gap should be addressed properly which can be summed up as major findings as below:


Ø  The number of population is gradually decreasing with the increasing of per capita income of the population.


Ø  Because of low level of literacy, scope of the work participation in non agriculture sector is showing a declining trend  and people are not willing to exit from primary activities like agriculture and other day-wage activities , in which returns are very low.


Ø  Rs. 2000 and above income populations are actively engaged in service sector (100%). They are mainly associated with teaching profession or clerical service and army police. As they all are educated, can link with tertiary sector, which reflects them a better social and economic position in the study area.


Ø  Between Rs. 1501-2000 incomes people have pit latrine (33.33%) and remaining 66.67% have no latrine facility. And Rs. 2000 and above incomes population, all have flush latrine (100%).


Ø  Maximum percentage of households (75%) is electrified among Rs. 2000 and above incomes population, followed by 66.67% among Rs. 1501-2000 incomes population, 50% among Rs. 1001-1500 incomes population, 48.39% among Rs. 501-1000 incomes population and 23.53% among below Rs. 500 incomes population.



Ø  But comparatively higher incomes (Rs. 1501-2000 and 2000 and above) population saves their earning for future needs and runs insurance for secure of life.




            Following are the few suggestions for the improvement of socio-economic condition of

population of the village:

v  To improve the educational status of the people in the study area by set up new

v  primary and secondary schools.

v  Mark the people under Below Poverty Line (BPL) and provide them BPL card so that

v  they can get more facilities from the government site.

v  To provide primary health care services and creates awareness about health among the

v  villagers.

v  To provide electricity services to the all people of village.

v  Job oriented programmes should be implemented in the village level.

v  To introduce various employment programmes for the youth population to reduce the

v  burden of unemployment.

v  To provide small loans to the villagers to run various small household industrial

v  activities.

v  To introduce subsides programmes for various activities, especially, agriculture,

v  social services and credit.

v  To introduce various schemes for poor peoples of the village.