Activities of Department of Commerce

Title: - Career Awareness Program: Scope and Avenues in Commerce
Start Date - 2021-02-13   End Date - 2021-02-13   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -

A career awareness program was organised by the Dept. of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok on 13th February 2021 with an aim to aware the students regarding various career opportunities that can be availed in the field of commerce after graduation. The target audience was the B.Com 6th Semester students for the same. The speaker of the talk was Ms. Ujjwibita Phukan, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok who delivered her presentation on the career opportunities that a B.Com. Graduate could take up after he/she completes their graduation course. She also discussed various freelancing work that could be considered as a career option.