Activities of Department of Commerce

Title: - Awareness program on Commerce education at Janata High School
Start Date - 2017-10-27   End Date - 2017-11-11   Duration - 20 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -

An awareness program on Commerce Education was being held in Janata High School Namsessu with the student of classes IX and X at  12.30 P.M.The faculty members of Commerce Department  Prof. Jintoo Rajkhowa Dr. Debananda Boruah, Prof. Gita Sarma and Dr. Abhijit Bhuyan took part in the awareness Camp. The Head Master Amal Boruah, Ex-Head Master  Mahendra Nath Dutta, and all teachers of the School are present in the awareness program. A total number of 65 students and four teachers of the school take part in the aforesaid program. The faculty member Prof. Jintoo Rajkhowa HOD of the department explain the need, importance, and job opportunities of Commerce Educated youths in the present economic scenarios. Dr. Debananda Boruah explained the different areas and jobs available for commerce Educated students. Prof Gita Sarmah also explained the self-employment opportunities for commerce Educated people. Dr. Abhijit Bhuyan explained the different course contents of commerce education. The Head Master Amal Boruah also take part in the discussion and how commerce-educated students contribute to the socio-economic development in the area. Shri Mahendra Nath Dutta also explained the need for commerce education in these areas All the faculty members of the commerce department interacts with the students explained in detail the questions that come from the students.

               Finally, Prof . Jintoo Rajkhowa requested the interested students to consider commerce education in the enhancement of their career and hope some of them will come out as good entrepreneurs in the future.

Prof. Jintoo Rajkhowa delivering his speechProf. Jintoo Rajkhowa delivering his speech
Prof. Gita Sarma while delivering her talk