Activities of Department of Commerce

Title: - Teacher exchange program on GST
Start Date - 2019-04-30   End Date - 2019-04-30   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -

Dr. Ashok Borthakur, Associate Professor, Dept. of Commerce, J.B. College, Jorhat . The program is being inaugurated by Prof. Mamoni  Gogoi Boruah, the Vice –Principal of the college at10.15A.M. in the Golden Jubilee Memorial Hall (Gold)

           A lecture on G.S.T. was discussed by Dr. Ashok Borthakur The Associate Professor of J.B.College, Dept. of Commerce under Teacher Exchange Programme is being held on 30-04-2019 with the departmental students of B.Com 2nd and 4th Sem. The program is being inaugurated by Prof.Mamoni  Gogoi  Boruah, the Vice –Principal of this college. Dr.Ashok Borthakur came from  J.B.College, Jorhat. He attended the class at 10.15.A.M.and discussed the topic broadly. All the faculty members of the commerce department participated in the class and took part in the discussion. The active participation of the students in the class highlights the necessity of the program.