Activities of Department of Commerce

Title: - Popular Talk on "India After 1990- A Door To Infinity". Resource Person- Mr. Bulbul Sahariah, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, C.K.B. Commerce College, Jorhat.
Start Date - 2021-12-14   End Date - 2021-12-14   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -

A popular talk was organized on 14th December 2021 on the topic "India after 1990- A Door to Infinity" by the Department of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok. The resource person for the talk was Mr. Bulbul Sahariah, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, C.K.B. Commerce College, Jorhat. The program started at 11:00 a.m. and it was inaugurated by Mr. Nayan Baruati, HoD, Dept. of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok followed by the felicitation ceremony. The resource person then highlighted how liberalization, privatization, and globalization took the whole economy of India to another stage till the present year. In the end, the faculty members of the department delivered their speech on the topic followed by the vote of thanks by Dr. Debananda Boruah. A total of 72 students participated in the program.

Resource person along with the faculty members of the departmentStudents during the popular talk
Resource person while delivering lecture