Activities of Department of Commerce

Title: - Training on computerised accounting system (Tally)
Start Date - 2021-01-19   End Date - 2021-02-05   Duration - 18 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -

Report on Training on Computerised Accounting System (B.Com. 1st Sem CBCS)


A training program on Computerised Accounting System “Tally” was organized to train the students of B.Com 1st Semester (CBCS) as a partial fulfilment of their course curriculum in the subject of Financial Accounting to acquaint the students in the said field. The program started from 19th January, 2021 to 5th February, 2021. The trainer of the program was Mr. Rupjyoti Bhuyan. A total of 45 students participated in the training program. The resource person covered every pros and cons of the conceptual and technical part of the course in a very student friendly manner in the computer lab of the college. The program was conducted simultaneously in both theoretical as well as practical mode.

As per the feedback received from the students, it was observed that the students were highly benefitted from the training program.