Activities of Department of Commerce

Title: - One week Workshop on "Accounts Keeping and Marketing Management", Target Group: Local SHG, Teok.
Start Date - 2021-11-22   End Date - 2021-11-27   Duration - 7 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Extension Activity
Summary: -

A one-week Workshop on "Accounts Keeping and Marketing Management" was organized by the Department of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok at Gyanmalini Mahila Sangha, Jagduar, Teok. The target group for the same was members of the Local Self Help Groups of Teok. The main aim of the workshop was to give an insight into account keeping and marketing management to the target group. The resource persons for Accounts Keeping and Marketing Management were Dr. Debananda Boruah, Associate Professor, Department of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok and Ms. Ujjwibita Phukan, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok respectively. Dr. Boruah highlighted the importance of record-keeping and guided the people with certain cash management techniques- receipt and payment account and income and expenditure account and its applicability. He also supplied handouts to the members of the SHGs for their perusal. Ms. Phukan covered the basics of management and highlighted how the elements of management can play a vital role while establishing a business of its own. On completion of the workshop, the participants were provided a Certificate of Participation by the Department of Commerce, C.K.B. College, Teok.

One week Workshop on "Accounts Keeping and Marketing Management"Members of local SHGs
Members of local SHGs with the resource person