Activities of Department of Assamese

Title: - Popular Talk on Creative Writings
Start Date - 2017-02-17   End Date - 2017-02-17   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -

A popular talk on Creative Writing was organized on the 17th February 2017, jointly by the Department of English and Assamese, C.K.B.College, Teok.

The Resource Person was Mr. Atanu Bhattacharya, Executive Editor, Satsorie, Assamese Magazine, Guwahati. The welcome speech was delivered by Dr.Korobi Gogoi, Assistant Professor, Department of Assamese. He was felicitated with the traditional gamosa by Yasmin Khan, Associate Professor and Head of the Department of English. The talk was attended by the 4th and 6th Semester students of both the departments.

 Mr. Bhattacharya began the programme in a very interesting way by questioning the students about their hobbies and interests which he gradually related to the main topic----Creative Writing.

He said that Creative Writing is any writing that goes outside the bounds of the normal professional, academic or technical forms of literature. He deliberated on the issues related to writing articles, poems etc. He provided the basic guidelines to be kept in mind when one goes about writing any creative piece of work.

It was an interactive session where the students asked a number of questions and the Resources Person satisfied them with answers to the same.

 He concluded the talk stating that our experiences allow us to create settings and characters that seem real but it requires a lot of correction and revision before it can be called a well –written piece.


Yasmin Khan offered the vote of thanks at the end of the programme.