Activities of Department of Assamese

Title: - Webinar on "Open Educational Resources and Usage".
Start Date - 2021-06-22   End Date - 2021-06-22   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Academic Activity
Summary: -
Department of Assamese of  Chandrakamal Bezbarua College, Teok in collaboration with the Internal Quality Assurance Cell organized a  webinar. the webinar was held on 22-06-2021 on Google Meet platform and the resource person was Dr. Swapna Bora, Assistant Professor, Teaching and Learning Centre, Tezpur University. The webinar was moderated by Dr. Karabi Gogoi, Professor, Department of Assamese. Resource Person Dr. Swapna Bora gave an informative explanation on how to access online resources. The webinar was attended by the students of the college as well as teachers and librarians of various colleges and they benefited greatly.