Activities of National Service Scheme Wing

Title: - Plantation Programme under Amrit Briksha Andolan
Start Date - 2023-09-17   End Date - 2023-09-17   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Co curricular activity
Summary: -
The 'Amrit Briksha Andolan' is a government programme for Assam to boost the State's green cover and encourage a tree-based economy. All educational institutions are instructed to join in this andolan. Accordingly the NSS Wing CKB College Teok conducted a Plantation Programme on 17.09.2023 at college premises. 21 NSS volunteers are registered in the portal of Amrit Briksha Andolan. On 17.09.2023 the 21 volunteers plant their saplings on College premises and take selfie. As per the instruction they uploaded their selfie to the amrit briksha portal and received pledge certificate.

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