Activities of National Service Scheme Wing

Start Date - 2023-06-21   End Date - 2023-06-21   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - INTERNATIONAL YOGA DAY
Summary: -
'International Yoga Day' was celebrated on 21st June, 2023 in the Indoor Stadium of college premises. Three yoga teachers, Sri Nolin Sarmah, Sri Nikhil Ranjan Bora and Srimati Jayashree Gulati of vivekanada Kendra Kanyakumari Institute, Jorhat branch were invited as resource person for the program. 22 numbers of teachers and 128 numbers of students participated in the programme. The objective of the programme was not only to do yoga activities but also to realized among the participants about the importance and adaptation of yoga in daily life. It was a successful programme and as an outcome all participants felt very active and energetic after doing yoga.

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