Activities of National Cadet Corps Platon (SW) Girls

Title: - Organize World Cancer Day
Start Date - 2021-02-04   End Date - 2021-02-04   Duration - 1 days.
Nature of the Activity: - Extension activity
Summary: -
NCC wing of the College, Teok organized an awareness programme on the occasion of World Cancer day on 4th February 2021 to create awareness of cancer. The cadets of the wing participated in the programme. The programme was led by Mayashree Buragohain, CTO, 64 Assam Girls Bn NCC, CKB College, Teok. The speech was delivered by Dr Deepanjali Goswami, Associate Professor of the Department of Education, IQAC Co-ordinator, Dr Binoybrot Rajkhowa and Nizara Boruah, Assistant Professor of the Department of Sociology on the prevention and precaution of Cancer

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